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European School Education Platform

eTwinning for future teachers

eTwinning works with initial teacher education institutions as a way of expanding the reach of eTwinning and engaging future teachers at an early stage in their careers.
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From applying new digital skills, to engaging in collaborative international projects, ‘eTwinning for future teachers’ shows how eTwinning can help the development of new generations of teachers.


Embedding eTwinning in initial teacher education helps future teachers to:


  • discover and implement project teaching and multidisciplinary work,
  • develop their ICT and language skills,
  • have European, international and intercultural exchanges with teachers from other education systems,
  • develop their professional skills (such as project management and teamwork),
  • reflect on their teaching practices


How can I get involved in eTwinning as a student teacher?


Different countries and teacher education institutions introduce eTwinning to future teachers in different ways, such as by:


  • including an ‘Introduction to eTwinning’ module in their initial teacher education curriculum;
  • creating collaborative eTwinning projects for teacher educators and/or student teachers (at local, national and international level), or eTwinning projects with school pupils when student teachers are on placement in schools.


The eTwinning national support organisations (NSOs) provide initial teacher education institutions with training, technical support and help in connecting institutions with students in other countries.


This area of eTwinning is restricted to a limited number of institutions that have a formal agreement with their country’s NSO. If you’re a student teacher or a teacher educator and you’d like to know more, please contact your NSO.


European award for Initial Teacher Education


The European award was launched in 2022 with the aim of celebrating the most active initial teacher education institutions in eTwinning. The award identifies, celebrates and promotes the work and activities that the institution has completed in three main areas: curriculum integration, project implementation and research outputs. Find out more about the European award for Initial Teacher Education.