Projects (156422)
The topic of the project is sustainability. The students will work together and discuss different aspects of this topic. - how themselves can live more sustainable - what is sustainability (social...
Bērnu trīs mīļāko kustību spēļu, rotaļu video izveide. Video pamācība ar aprakstu PDF formātā. Vienu reizi mēnesī tiešsaistē demonstrē trīs kustību spēles un rotaļas. Izspēlē citu sadarbības partneru...
All the participating pupils produce an Easter card in English. We collect cards and send them by mail to our partner school. We receive cards reciprocally. Pupils get a personal greeting from the...
This TwinSpace is designed to share the resources and presentations from the multilateral IVET seminar that will take place in Orléans, France from 14-16 March 2025
Deutschsprachige Kindergärtner/-innen und Primarschullehrkräfte kommen zusammen, um sich zu vernetzen, mit eTwinning zu beginnen und Ideen und bewährte Praktiken auszutauschen, wie EU-Werte und...