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European School Education Platform


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Projects (155281)

We want to observe other schools and learn their way of sustainable travel to increase students' understanding of sustainable travel practices and their environmental impact. Enhance knowledge of...

Prosjektrom for støttetjenesten og norske eTwinning-ambassadører.

Dan sigurnijeg interneta obilježava se svake godine drugog utorka u veljači. Ovim projektom želimo s učenicima obilježiti taj dan kroz radionice te na taj način podići svijest o sigurnosti na...

Ανάδειξη της σημασίας της διαφορετικότητας και της ισότητας: Οι μαθητές εξερευνούν έννοιες όπως η πρόσβαση σε δημόσιους χώρους, η φιλικότητα της πόλης προς άτομα με αναπηρίες και η στήριξη κοινωνικά...

Because of its rather marginal position in the European geography and its relatively small size, Ireland is a quite overlooked country. This project aims at giving the students the opportunity to...

Jak Ci na imię? - projekt zachęcający uczestników do analizy znaczeń swoich imion. Uczestnicy, w międzyszkolnych grupach stworzą ”Ksiegi imion”: z ich wyjściowym znaczeniem i etymologią, uzupełniając...

The program is for Kindergarten students and will run from February to June 2025. We will be divided into 5 groups of collaborators, as many as the letters of the name STEAM. Each group will do STEAM...

Students describe and present themselves and their school. They interact, get to know each other and work together. What is more, they share their experiences and feelings at school.