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Projects (149411)

“The Magic of Winter” is an international eTwinning project that aims to bring together students from different European countries to share the beauty of winter through their eyes. Participants will...

We are three teachers from a primary school in Italy, from three different classes. Our institute is already active at European level with etwinning projects. Our students are 8 years old. The English...

From Italy to France, this project is going to give purpose to the language learning. Throughout the year, students are going to use English to communicate and share about their culture and habits.

The eTwinning project "Motivation Leads to Success" is focused on encouraging students to achieve their goals by developing positive attitudes, self-confidence, and effective learning strategies...

Le projet a pour but de mettre en contact virtuel des élèves français et italiens. Les élèves vont d'abord se décrire et créer un avatar à leur image. Ils vont ensuite échanger sur différentes thèmes...

This eTwinning project brings together agriculture students (ages 16-18) from 3-4 partner countries to explore sustainable practices in agriculture and animal husbandry, focusing on new technologies...

We learn about writing an essay while raising awareness of our culture as well as discovering and strengthening our identity for more resilience in our everyday life. Wir lernen wie man einen Essay...

The 21st century involves the use of technology and digital tools on a daily basis. Our students need to be Media and Information literate in order to be responsible future European citizens and...