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European School Education Platform


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Projects (156245)

This eTwinning project aims to explore and document examples of good citizenship from different cultures and communities. Through collaborative research, interviews, and multimedia production...

This eTwinning program brings together students and teachers from European schools in a collaborative online environment to explore climate change through NASA’s research. By analyzing climate data...

This project emphasises the strong impact of the game on students' academic achievement. We aim to make learning fun and motivating for students aged 5-11. We will contribute to the development of...

"Health Hackers" empowers students to take charge of their health. We'll explore nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, and digital well-being through collaborative projects, research, and creative...

Let’s encourage children to discover the beauty of the world around them using their senses.

This project allows children to explore light and shadows through play and observation. They will discover different sources of light (sun, lamps, fairy lights) and observe how shadows are formed and...


Bu eTwinning projesi, Türkiye ve Makedonya'daki okullarda değerler eğitimine Avrupa değerlerini entegre etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Projede, Avrupa Konseyi'nin öne çıkardığı demokrasi, insan hakları...