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Projects (149187)

During the teaching of culture section in history classes, students get acquainted with historical monuments in books. However, this is not enough. For their better assimilation, they will have a...

This project aims to teach students how to use digital tools to monitor, analyze,, and evaluate their health and fitness activities.

Our aim for creating this project is to help children with special needs and support them with different teaching strategies to handle their difficulties while learning process.

The goal of the project is to increase the mathematical knowledge of Vlll grade students with interactive simulation games on the subject of mathematics available on the PhET platform, to ensure that...

Today, at schools there are lots of students aged 6-11 don’t have enough information about other cultures. If these students have a chance to travel, participate in international projects and meet...

THE PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT IS TO REVIVE INTEREST of digital era students in Renaissance Shakespeare and by drawing parallel with his contributions to literature alongside with science, technology and...

Understanding Different Perspectives In this project students explore empathy by stepping into the shoes of people from diverse backgrounds such as individuals disabilities refugees or the elderly...

Objective: The recycling and conservation project aims to help students understand the importance of recycling and conserving natural resources. Students will explore how recycling reduces waste...