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European School Education Platform


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Projects (156496)

Ne propunem schimbul de idei și practici educaționale între școli din diverse regiuni ale țării sau chiar internațional, promovarea culturii și tradițiilor locale, dezvoltarea competențelor digitale...

Projekty realizowane w ramach modułu STEAM i TIK w projektach na lekcjach Wydziału Biologii UAM, z uczniami SP im. Kazimierza Nowaka w Dąbrówce oraz uczniami z partnerskich szkół z Portugalii i Turcji...

This eTwinning project aims to empower students to take an active role in shaping a sustainable future. Through research and collaborative activities, students aged 12-15 will investigate the impact...

In this project student will be searching for happiness. They'll try to answer the questions: - what happiness really is... - what make them happy... - where to find it..., etc.

The project aims to delve into the complex topic of stereotypes and make it accessible to young learners through the use of collaborative multimodal storytelling. It involves a series of workshops and...

"Pen Pal Project: Sharing Our Cultures" is an eTwinning project connecting students across Europe through the timeless tradition of letter writing and the modern medium of short video messages...

The 22nd of April ( the 22nd of March) is Earth Day. In many European Union it is called Earth Day. All over the world people work together to save the Earth. This project will help remember students...

The eTwinning project Christmas Connections brings together primary school students from different countries, allowing them to make new friends and learn about each other’s holiday traditions. The...