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Projects (151034)

Edukacinis projektas, skirtas pasakų pristatymui įvairiais IKT įrankiais, metodais ir būdais. Dalyvavimas projekte, skatina vaikų saviraišką, iniciatyvumą, kūrybiškumą. Savarankiškas ir mokytojų...

En mettant en oeuvre ce projet eTwinning associé à un projet Erasmus, nous comptons renforcer les capacités de sensibilisation de la communauté éducative et des élèves à l'impact et les enjeux du...

Polish, Slovak and French students have won a virtual trip to Togetherland. So they are going to stay together in a (virtual) holiday resort for a few months. They will get to know one another and...

The project is a continuation of the previous closed project "Career Paths Explorers". The aim of the project is to establish cooperation between students of the Technical Secondary School and...

Mėnesio trukmės projektas "Žodžių kūrėjas" ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams. Tikslas - tobulinti vaikų kalbinę ir meninę raišką. Uždaviniai: 1. Lavinti kalbos ir kalbėjimo įgūdžius...

The Healthy Mind, Healthy School project aims to promote students' well-being by focusing on both mental and physical health within the school environment. The project will bring together students...

It is a fun and interactive eTwinning project where students from different countries exchange letters, videos, and cultural information. The project aims to foster cross-cultural friendships, enhance...

The project focuses on discovering the natural and cultural heritage of Estonia and Spain through interactive and playful activities. Students explore key natural landmarks in their country, mapping...