Projects (149239)
Eksperimentējot ar rudens augļiem un dārzeņiem, radīsim krāsainas receptes, apgūstot salātu, uzkodu un kokteiļu pagatavošanu dizanina un tehnoloģiju nodarbībās 3.klasē
The project brings together students and teachers, librarians, educators from different countries in order to develop a love for literature, acting and the exchange of cultural customs through the...
Étude des contraintes et des atouts de deux territoires très différents (Naples et Sablé-sur-Sarthe) et des solutions envisagées pour l'aménagement du territoire dans l'optique du développement...
Les élèves élaborent un catalogue de proverbes et d'expressions liés aux nationalités en langue française et comparent leurs significations avec des proverbes et expressions dans leurs langues...
Using traditional as well digital means students discover other countries' way of life and culture communicating on basic subjects, relatable to their everyday life.
Sustainable development is a multifaceted effort that encompasses environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Integrating sustainability into the education system and raising public awareness...
Our project largely aims to educate students in the 12-16 age group about the importance of maintaining good health and to empower them with knowledge and practical skills related to health and well...