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European School Education Platform


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Projects (156171)

Let’s encourage children to discover the beauty of the world around them using their senses.

This project allows children to explore light and shadows through play and observation. They will discover different sources of light (sun, lamps, fairy lights) and observe how shadows are formed and...

In this project, children will explore slope and speed and the impact of slope on speed. The project will be carried out in the kindergarten's indoor and outdoor areas.

This project connects students from Portugal, Spain, and Sweden to explore and promote awareness of four key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030: Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), Goal 13...

Students exchange letters monthly about the topics they learn in English through written letters.

The war on self-critical use of Social Media. This project invites students ages 13-16 to reflect on their social media habits and their impact on mental health, identity, and self-image. Students...

Students from over 20 countries create a Kahoot quiz about their own country and invite other students to enlarge their knowledge about culture, sports, food, flags, geography,...

Din analiza realizată la nivel național, în baza unor interviuri de grup cu cadrele didactice și elevi, a reieșit faptul că, elevii au probleme mari de comunicare şi exprimare, deoarece sunt...