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European School Education Platform


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Projects (156483)

Ne propunem schimbul de idei și practici educaționale între școli din diverse regiuni ale țării sau chiar internațional, promovarea culturii și tradițiilor locale, dezvoltarea competențelor digitale...

This eTwinning project aims to empower students to take an active role in shaping a sustainable future. Through research and collaborative activities, students aged 12-15 will investigate the impact...

Project was created on the basis of calendar of unusual holidays.

The eTwinning project Christmas Connections brings together primary school students from different countries, allowing them to make new friends and learn about each other’s holiday traditions. The...

"How Does Your Final Year of High School Look Like?" is an international eTwinning project designed for high school seniors (ages 16 –19) learning English. The project aims to compare final-year...

Projekt "Medijski mozaik: Sociologija medija i dobrobit u školama" fokusira se na istraživanje uloge medija u oblikovanju emocionalnog i društvenog okruženja unutar škola. Učenici će kroz zajedničke...

This project brings together students to discuss the *Me Too* movement and its impact on society. Through simple discussions, collaborative work, and visual creation, students will express their...

"Plant It! "Grow It, Eat It" is an exciting and colorful adventure that takes kids on a journey from seed to plate! As part of the project, students discover how tiny seeds grow into wholesome plants...