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European School Education Platform
Learn, teach and grow together
The European School Education Platform is a meeting point for the school education community – school staff, researchers, and policymakers – to share news, interviews, publications, practice examples, courses and partners for their Erasmus+ projects. Its eTwinning area is dedicated to eTwinners and their activities.
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UniClub is a learning support programme for young people aged 13 to 20 with refugee and migration backgrounds who would like to study at university in...
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eTwinning projects involve international collaboration, innovative teaching methods and active participation of pupils in all activities.
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The Pedagogy of Parents Methodology enhances family educational skills and integrates theory with practice to emphasise parents’ roles in education.
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Next upcoming session: 28.10.2024 - 04.12.2024
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Organised by
European Commission/Commission européenne
Next upcoming session: 28.10.2024 - 13.11.2024
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Organised by
European Commission/Commission européenne
Upcoming events
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Organised by
European Commission