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European School Education Platform

School Radio

Pupils will use the radio to transmit our different cultures. School radio is nowadays part of education, providing an exciting and engaging medium for our pupils to develop their communicative skills. It also promotes iclusion and participation. We will create small radio programmes: ads, interviews, news, articles, etc, Writing the script first, recording it with a computer or mobile phone, edit in Audacity (free and safe software to cut, paste, include music, sounds, and so on), uploaded it to Ivoox on internet. We will share the programmes with our partner via etwinning. We will also carry out the topics and the different kind of programmes from the easiest to the most difficult ones. For instance, first ads about my school or town , an interview to the staff of my school, and so on and so forth, comentaries about an important writer, musician, scientist from each country...
Created on
32 members


Turkey(4), Spain(4), Romania(4), Italy(4), France(3), Greece(3), Slovenia(2), Poland(2), Slovakia(1), Georgia(1), Albania(1), Finland(1), Hungary(1), Austria(1)
Age range: