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European School Education Platform

On the edge

“On the edge” - ERASMUS+ project. 11-13 year old students will be shown the beauty of learning, intensify curiosity and broaden interests, increase their level of knowledge and skills by acknowledging all the interesting topics hidden in the school subjects through a broad range of subject areas and a hands-on approach. By working in an international environment/teams (the foundation of this project), Ss will raise awareness of the rich cultural and social diversity within Europe and enrich their development in a way that’s impossible in the traditional classroom environment; Ss will increase the sense of self-confidence, develop social and literacy skills and learn a foreign language in a true situation of communication. “On the edge” should bring to our minds the idea that beyond the edge there is a world with thousands of possibilities that Ss may benefit from. ‘The edge’ is ‘a door’ to the unknown, fascinating, full of curiosities world. The only thing Ss need to do is to open it!
Created on
38 members
National Quality Label
