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European School Education Platform
Bridging Borders, Sharing Cultures

Bridging Borders through Cultural Diversity, Technology and Language

This is an eTwinning project as a unity from some different cities that were affected by a destructive earthquake last year. We want our students to get over the impact of the earthquake and, of course, to get experienced with eTwinning projects. Our project is about telling and comparing traditional stories cross-cultural under certain themes for each month. They are going to act out some of these stories. This project is inspired by ‘Comperative Mythology’ in literature. They are going to tell a well-known traditional story of their own countries. We are going to use some Web 2.0 tools such as Voki(cartoon creator tool), Canva, Padlet. Apart from these Web 2.0 tools, we are going to use NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques. Also, we are going to use some idiom teaching techniques like Resfebe(it is like pictogram), cartoon drawing, posters, etc. After the storytelling process, we are going to watch the recorded outcomes and compare all the countries’ traditional stories and find similarities and differences. In so doing, students will be able to learn different cultures and use technology.
Created on
12 members


Turkey(9), Romania(2), Georgia(1)
Age range:
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