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European School Education Platform
Project Poster

I Live With Industry 4.0

Industrial revolutions have been shaping our future socially, economically, and technologically, coming from the past to the present. The first industrial revolution marked the transition from manual production to machine production. The second industrial revolution saw advancements in railway transportation, telegraph communication, and access to electricity. The third industrial revolution witnessed further advancements in computers, transportation, and communication technologies. Currently, we are experiencing Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. Considering the rapidly evolving systems and technologies, this concept encompasses a significant part of our lives. Industry 4.0 can be described as the internet of things, instant accessible computing, cognitive computing, cyber-physical systems, and data analytics. As technology and our living standards rapidly evolve, it is imperative that we prepare our vocational high school and secondary education students for industry and the constantly evolving technology. We need to create innovative, creative, and technology-integrated learning environments. In our project, we aim to prepare our students for life by developing learning environments, teaching materials, and daily life skills that combine information technologies and industry, reflecting the fundamental concept of Industry 4.0. In our project, our goal is for teacher and student groups to choose one of the Industry 4.0 areas they have identified and want to develop themselves, and design their technological materials in that area. The construction process should be explained step by step, supported by illustrations, visuals, and videos for everyone to understand, much like project-based learning. A user manual should be created for the material. At the end of the project, our students will take responsibility for their own learning while designing their materials, and they will produce original products by doing and experiencing. During this process, they will also observe the work of other student groups and encounter new information in many areas, forming ideas.
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13 members