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European School Education Platform

Let us Bring Europe Together for heritage

Actual society is rapidly changing, urban areas are becoming more widespread. Consum technology is incorporated at a rapid pace and at younger ages. Social networks are creating a virtual reality context where every novelty is quickly adopted, becomes tendency and is generalized. At the same time, economic globalization, world markets, multinational firms, transnational workers and regional crisis and integration are promoting a framework where people is expected to move more frequently from their birthplaces to different locations. We think this globalized urban and technological environment is really positive because it helps people to communicate and to relate to each other in a richer and diverse way, increasing the options and possibilities to develop and promote at individual and community level. In this project we want to specifically focus on those elements that, nowadays are not so frequently addressed by our modern way of life: nature and cultural heritage. Key:culture
Created on
4 members


Sweden(1), Lithuania(1), Turkey(1), Iceland(1)
Age range: