Croatian Christmas customs
Lighting a Christmas tree, bringing straw into the house, caroling and sowing wheat are just some of the diverse customs in Croatia that are associated with the joyous Christmas season.
It is not surprising that many people consider it the most beautiful time of the year and because of the many customs and traditional dishes that are associated with Christmas.
We celebrate the birth of Jesus with simplicity and peace, and the customs of celebrating Christmas, like all over the world, are diverse in different parts of Croatia. All this tradition is part of the wealth of Lijepa Naša.
The name 'Badnjak' is connected with the word 'watch' (stsl. bad) because on that day people kept vigil waiting for the birth of Jesus. Special candles were made, the so-called candlesticks, and often three candles were connected with the Croatian tricolor.
There are many customs on Christmas Eve, the purpose of which is to wish for prosperity, a good harvest, progress and good health. it is often a hearty meal with meat, Christmas cakes and drinks.
A Christmas tradition
After celebrating Christmas, in many Croatian homes, roast beef with horseradish, cold meat, homemade sausages, kulen, bacon, prosciutto with cheese and olives are eaten for breakfast.
On Christmas, people often went to three Masses, starting at midnight, on Christmas Eve itself, where Christmas would be celebrated, then to the early morning Dawn Mass, the so-called small Mass where communion was usually taken, and the midday, day or Veil Mass was attended during the day.
The girls often went to Mass in different formal dresses and traditional folk costumes.
Christmas lunch included soup, meat - various roasts with vegetables, cold meat, sarma, stewed sauerkraut, pickled turnips, potatoes, various types of bread (Christmas bread, garlic bread, cruciferous bread, Christmas bread, cruciferous bread), pastries, fruit and many other dishes.
Desserts include: cakes, walnuts, poppy seeds, walnut, carob, cheese cakes, dry small cakes, pepper cakes, fig cakes, gingerbread, muškaconi, prace, etc. traditional Christmas songs, and congratulatory cards were often given as gifts.
Young men often gave girls so-called as a traditional Christmas present. Christmas tree, decorated apple.
The first visitor who would visit the house on Christmas, the so-called attendee or have remained until today.