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European School Education Platform

Journey between past and present

The theme of travel has always accompanied humanity's journey in search of happiness: it fascinates, involves, makes you dream ... The project aims to follow possible disciplinary paths on this theme in the culture of the countries that will join the twinning. Each student will be able to meet authors who have written about more or less real journeys, looking for a link with the past and opening up to a future perspective. The activities that will be proposed to the students, real protagonists of their learning, will refer to curricular topics but also current texts created by themselves, the result of their inspiration. Moreover, with true entrepreneurial spirit, they will be able to organize and share virtual trips in the hope that they become real. Young people from the various participating countries will have the opportunity to meet and compare online to organize their learning paths in an inclusive, intercultural and multidisciplinary perspective.



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Dear Friends,

Many times I was asked by younger students how they can help with the project. I told them to draw something. So, our eTwiining team decided to make a digital art gallery - a collection of drawings depicting Travel Peace and Tolerance.



Hi everyone!

Finishing our project, I'd like to thank all of you for our fruitful cooperation and inform you that my eTwinners had an opportunity to spend one week in June (3rd - 11th of June)  Batea, Spain working together within a PO WER project ‘ Robotics and languages as areas boosting cooperation and preventing social exclusion’. Due to the fact that most of our representing group of 12 students are eTwinners we decided to present our idea of writing poems. So, they asked Spanish friends to choose their favourite ones and give some comments on them. What is more, do you remember our quiz on Spain as a popular holiday destination? Can you imagine that one of ice-breaking activities were to create  Kahoot quizzes :Things to know about Spain and Poland? The results are presented on our page with poems and the Twinboard attached.

You know? I'm so happy that it is possible to join two projects into one . I realised that ideas are the same; just joning young people by creating opportunities to work together and getting  to know each other, meeting face to face. 



This is an article published in the local newspaper "Il Resto del Carlino", which shows the enthusiasm of our students (class 2 B - Scuola Alighieri in Bibbiano) for our eTwinning project.

Congratulations, guys!

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Hi everybody.

In Italy we are in the last days of school. With the students we try to collaborate on our beautiful project until the end of the lessons!

We will bring with us all our work on the theme of travel and during the holidays we will try to make real trips with our loved ones, thinking about virtual trips made at school!

Happy summer everyone! And let's keep in touch!

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Hello Friends,

To answer Maria's and her students call for joining the journey to the world of peace, a mental one of course- I made my students put their thoughts on a piece of paper.

It wasn't an easy task for them, and not easy time. They have new friends from Ukraine in their class, so their feelings, compassion, emphaty and a strong need for peace is vivid and true. Children of the age of 10-11 drew some pictures.

Can you imagine that my ex-student (she was a very active member of our previous project 'Memories for the Present ') came one day to visit me at school. She asked what is our present eTwinning task. In the evening she sent me the following text. It is amazing and touching, isn't it?

War justifies none of us,                                            

it’s because the world is ours.

Everybody will be dead,

get prepared for your head.

Except to conflicts, enmity,

life is stunning,astonishing.

Have you ever seen a bird

fighting with its own herd?

Nature is a piece of art,

don’t be stupid, let’s be smart.

Have respect for everyone,

never again use a gun.

                                 Magdalena Byjoś



Why war over peace?

Why we’re making wars, instead of peace,

Make enemies out of our former friends,

Why can’t our guns be silent at last,

Why do we have to fear dying in the dark,

While we can live in the light,


The bests are dying on the battlefields,

for the profit of the worst

What a shame.

             Igor Żarów


One thing about travelling.

Lots of people love to travel. 

Yes, travel educates. 

It is worth travelling. 

Visit different parts of the world. 

It is fun to be outside,

and discover new places.  

It's also a great solution 

to preserve memories for years. 

Traveling is not only fun, 

but also getting to know 

everything what is different. 


                                        Zofia Górka



Everybody wants world peace. 

They will live in a house of memories.

 Do you wanna stay in home 

or go to any war. 

You want to have chillout life, 

 not to kill enemy guys.

Szymon Cios


Hello Friends,

To answer Maria's call for joining the journey to the world of peace, a mental one of course- I made my students put their thoughts on a piece of paper. I even asked our Ukrainian students if they wanted to write something but they said they weren't ready. There's no wonder. 

War justifies none of us,                                            

it’s because the world is ours.

Everybody will be dead,

get prepared for your head.

Except to conflicts, enmity,

life is stunning,astonishing.

Have you ever seen a bird

fighting with its own herd?

Nature is a piece of art,

don’t be stupid, let’s be smart.

Have respect for everyone,

never again use a gun.

                                 Magdalena Byjoś


A (beautiful) poem written by Arthur and Noah

Peace is represented by an olive tree

And through a crane made of origami

Leave bad memeories fly with the dove

Leave bad memories go through the love

Revive the flame of Olympic Games

Harmony must remain our eternal aims 

These many wars that we have miss(ed)

all this wouldn't happen if we had made peace