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European School Education Platform

The Kaleidoscope of our emotions

Poem,poetry,literature,writing…Almost Every student at high school years writes about love, friendship, politics, family,problems of inner conflict . Almost most of them are interested in poetry or writings. As all of us know,The World has had bad days since the beginning of 2020. All of us has had storms in our souls, What about our students? How have they felt about the days of quaratine? Lets do something for their inner world, let them open their heart and help them to decrease the effects of quarantine days.The aim of our project will be to communicate with other students ,search the poets, write poems , share their own poems or their favourite poems about the topics of every month (aged from 14 to 18) and sharing their opinions and feelings by writing diaries,tales,short stories and practice English by emails, presentations, photos, short videos, posters and web 2.0 tools
Created on
9 members


Turkey(4), Italy(2), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Lithuania(1), Jordan(1)
Age range: