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European School Education Platform

Inclusion of Immigrants into our everyday life in Europe

The inclusion of new members of the society is not and can never be a national one, but now more than ever is an international issue, broadly discussed in the media and unfortunately often used by right-wing groups to foster fears and xenophobia. Nearly every country is currently struggeling with the strengthening of nationalist political parties, largely fostered by the so-called "threat" of a wave of refugees allegedly sweeping away national identity as it is. The question is: how can we include so many new members into our society? In immigration societies (like Germany, Italy, France or Portugal) the process of inclusion of immigrant children or families is central because they are threatened in a special way by exclusion and marginalisation, which often results in disadvantages especially in the field of education and thus, later, vocation. Therefore, the institution of school has to make a huge contribution to the inclusion into the society and can be the beginning to a successful, new life in a new home.
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13 members
National Quality Label
