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European School Education Platform

When I play, I learn

This project is created as a part of Erasmus+ mobility project "Support for professional development of preschool pedagogues". We want to share knowledge and most significant experience with non formal education, to learn from each other and discover together that education can be interactive and fun. New methods and techniques of learning, which we learned in our course will contribute to create, develop and realize new activities and workshop with children and teacher. Our aim is to integrate non-formal methods and tools in our own everyday practice and present the best examples of practice.Our focus is on learning outside the classroom in an interactive and international environment. Non-formal education working methods and tools will be used throughout the project creating a productive and inspiring environment and the participants will be engaged in design and delivering non-formal activities such as team-building activities, theatrical exercise, simulations, role playing,...
Created on
25 members


Serbia(10), Bosnia and Herzegovina(4), Turkey(2), Italy(2), Croatia(2), Romania(1), Bulgaria(1), Portugal(1), Spain(1), North Macedonia(1)
Age range:
up to 3