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European School Education Platform

Jingle Bells

In your native language singing the song "Jingle Bells", what will be recorded video and mixed together to one song. It will be nice video to show in the school Christmas parties . 1. Getting to know, how sounds song "Jingle Bells" in different language 2. Web-based cooperation Children will sing the song "Jingle Bells" in their own native language. Someone, possibly you, will film and upload it - for example to YouTube or better is DropBox, and will share it with all of us. All countries who participate in this project, will upload their song videos. After shareing can each country download video files to their own computer and mix those songs to one song. At the end each country will publish their own mixed song. It will be one nice song mixed with ohter different languages, published in YouTube and shared.
Created on
34 members


Turkey(6), Poland(5), Slovakia(5), Romania(4), Italy(3), Greece(2), Portugal(1), Spain(1), North Macedonia(1), Croatia(1), United Kingdom(1), Czech Republic(1), Germany(1), Denmark(1), France(1)
Age range:
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