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European School Education Platform

Branching Out: Building Connections Between Nature and Early Learning

In "Branching Out" three kindergartens from Croatia, Slovenia, and Portugal will collaborate to integrate nature-based activities into their daily curriculum. The project aims to assess the current state of nature-based education in their early childhood settings and implement strategies to enhance it across three key areas: indoor space, outdoor space/backyard, and natural sites. Nature-based programs are essential in today's early childhood education for several reasons. Firstly, they promote holistic development by engaging children in hands-on learning experiences that stimulate their senses, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Secondly, exposure to nature at a young age has been linked to improved cognitive development, emotional regulation, and physical health. Additionally, nature-based activities foster a sense of connection and stewardship towards the environment, laying the foundation for future environmental awareness and conservation efforts. Through "Branching Out" participating kindergartens will collaborate to design and implement nature-inspired activities tailored to their local environments. Indoor spaces will be transformed into interactive nature corners, featuring plants, natural materials, and sensory experiences, implementing weekly aktivities. Outdoor spaces and backyards will be optimized for exploration, with designated areas for gardening, wildlife observation, and outdoor play. Furthermore, field trips to nearby natural sites will provide children with immersive learning experiences in diverse ecosystems, reinforcing their understanding of the natural world. Through regular virtual meetings, video conferences, and an eTwinning platform, educators and administrators will share their experiences, challenges, and practices in integrating nature-based activities into their respective early childhood programs. Teachers will collaborate on curriculum development, exchanging ideas for nature-inspired lesson plans, activities, and resources tailored to different age groups and local environments. Additionally, virtual tours and presentations will allow each kindergarten to showcase their unique approaches to nature-based education, fostering inspiration and innovation across borders. By actively engaging in collaborative dialogue and mutual support, the kindergartens will not only enrich their own programs but also contribute to a global network of educators dedicated to promoting nature-based learning in early childhood education. In "Branching Out" the inclusion of local experts, parents, and the wider community is integral to the project's success and impact. Local experts, environmentalists, naturalists, and educators will be invited to share their expertise through workshops, guest lectures, and hands-on demonstrations, enriching the project with diverse perspectives and knowledge. Parents will play a vital active role in supporting and reinforcing nature-based learning at home and in kindergarten, receiving guidance and resources from the kindergartens to extend the educational experience beyond the classroom. Moreover, the project will actively engage the local community through events such as nature walks, gardening workshops, and volunteer opportunities, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the shared goal of promoting nature-based education. By involving stakeholders at every level, "Branching Out" will not only amplify the impact of its activities but also catalyze positive change within the broader community. Through increased awareness, advocacy, and collective action, the project will contribute to a cultural shift towards greater appreciation and protection of the natural world, leaving a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship for generations to come. By integrating nature-based learning into their everyday practices, the participating kindergartens will not only enhance the quality of early childhood education but also contribute to nature protection efforts. Through hands-on experiences in nature, children will develop a deep appreciation for the environment and learn the importance of preserving it for future generations. Ultimately, "Branching Out" seeks to cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious citizens who are empowered to make positive contributions to both their communities and the natural world.
Created on
8 members


Croatia(4), Portugal(2), Slovenia(2)
Age range:
up to 3
Vocational subjects of teaching: