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European School Education Platform

Changing lives, forming destinies

According to Unicef, the escalation of war in Ukraine resulted in the largest refugee crisis experienced by Europe since the World War 2. Over 7.7 million people fled the country scattering across Europe. One million Ukrainians transited through Slovakia and 100,000 applied for Temporary Protection in the country. (UNICEF) The situation of children uprooted by the war was, and to some extent remains, challenging. Many of them arrived in Slovakia exhausted and traumatized and with limited means to get by. Now in a new country and unable to provide for themselves and their families, many Ukrainian parents were facing financial hardship, obliged to rely on their savings or family, friends and Slovakian people until they could find new jobs. Italy, especially South, receives more refugees and asylum seekers each year than any other country in Europe. Due to its geographical location, Greece is the gateway to Europe for people arriving from the Middle East, and has become a transit and destination country for many refugees and asylum seekers from Syria and Palestine. https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/mediterranean. Moreover, currently GR is hosting 25,000 refugees from Ukraine, mainly women and children. This generated an unparalleled outpouring of solidarity and support across our countries, within host communities, and among schools who have opened their doors or donated time and resources to welcome students refugees from Ukraine. The OECD Policy Responses on Supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of Ukrain students in host countries. Following the onset of the invasion, ensuring access to education for children fleeing Ukraine was recognised as an “immediate priority” for European host countries (European Commission, 2022[11]), and education systems have since implemented a variety of measures to integrate refugee learners into their school systems
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5 members


Slovakia(3), Greece(2)
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