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European School Education Platform
everymonth, learn something new about our countries, monuments and culture !

Our cultural heritage

In order to prepare our future Erasmus partnership and application for a KA229 project, we want to start with an Etwninng project. Before Christmas, our pupil will get to know each other, we will present our schools and start speaking about our main theme : cultural heritage. We plan on filming our towns, send cooking recipes and create tourtist brochure. We want to raise awarness obout our countries' richness and important elements to protect. We will find inspiration in the website of the UNESCO to create a bigger project for the end of the school year =>see teaching resources for teachers on their website. We consider a debate about the impact of massive tourism. With the pupils' research, we could create of an interactive map about the list of UNESCO sites and information accessible to teenagers.
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2 members


France(1), Greece(1)
Age range:
Key competences: