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European School Education Platform
Krila muzike

Wings of music / Krila muzike

Projektom Krila muzike želimo povećati interesovanje učenika za ovu vrstu umetnosti a nastavnike podstaći na korišććenje inovativnih metoda u nastavi koje bi se tokom projekta prezentovale učesnicima projekta i time povećalii kvalitet nastave muzičke kulture. Nažalost, jedan veoma bitan predmet koji utiče na celokupan razvoj dece je sveden na samo jedan čas nedeljno. Ovim projektom bismo oplemenili svoj rad a korišćenjem raznovrsnih alata i metoda podigli nivo nastave. With the Wings of Music project, we want to increase students' interest in this type of art and encourage teachers to use innovative teaching methods that would be presented to project participants during the project, thereby increasing the quality of music education. Unfortunately, one very important subject that affects the overall development of children is reduced to only one lesson a week. With this project, we would refine our work and raise the level of teaching by using various tools and methods.
Created on
60 members


Croatia(26), Turkey(12), Serbia(9), North Macedonia(3), Romania(3), Republic of Moldova(2), Bosnia and Herzegovina(2), Poland(1), Spain(1), Bulgaria(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Vocational subjects of teaching: