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European School Education Platform


Six middle schools throughout Europe will work together to create a brochure presenting easy practices for protecting the planet. First, they will present their schools and show by videos, posters or letters what they do at school. Then, they will compare their habits to those of their penpals in other countries. The idea here is to have a stock of practices we could propose to our own schools. Secondly, pupils will take part into workshops in their own middle schools. There, they will learn to create their own objects from waste or from nothing: candles, cosmetics, seed cards, ... Then, they will send one gift they made themselves to their penpals either for Christmas or for Valentine's day (or both) Thirdly, it might be interesting for the school to set up an exhibition at the same time (why not a video one?) to present the results of their research and what the project has brought them. Finally, we will discuss with our penpals about the best practices.
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3 members