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European School Education Platform

Organical life and it's benefits to human health

In this project ı aim the project partners to be conscious about organical life and benefits and also ı live organically in a house with the garden and ı grow my own fruits, vegetables and ı feed animals for our milk,meat,eggs,etc. ı want the people to encourage producing their own food if they have facilities or if they don't have facilities for example if they live in a city ,then ı want them to be conscious consuming organical , healthy foods,and ı want my project partner do their some foods in their home ,for example they can do their yoghurt instead of buying in the market.ıf they have enough place for growing vegetables ,they can grow some vegetables and even the people live in the city can grow some vegetables in the vases in the balconies.In this way their children can see how vegetables are growing.And also people can feed some animals at least for their own needs if they can of course.And ı believe that unhealthy foods increase many diseases.
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40 members
National Quality Label


Georgia(19), Turkey(9), North Macedonia(3), Poland(2), Spain(2), Italy(2), Portugal(2), Croatia(1)
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