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რატომ არის ონლაინპოლარიზაციისა და დეზინფორმაციის განხილვა უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი დღეს, ვიდრე ოდესმე და როგორ შეგვიძლია მივმართოთ მას?
Children smiling and gardening

მოსწავლეთა გაძლიერება მდგრადი მომავლისთვის: საერთო სასკოლო მიდგომა

მედიის სათაურებში დომინირებს ის გამოწვევები, რომლებსაც კლიმატის კრიზისი და მისი თანმხლები გაურკვევლობა მოაქვს ჩვენს ყოველდღიურ ცხოვრებაში.

Moving from school disengagement and early leavers to school success for all!

There is little point keeping young people in school if their school environment is unsafe and can even harm their mental health and well-being. Similarly, there is little point ensuring educational goals are met if, upon finishing school, young people lack basic skills and key competences. Cosmin Nada comments on the attitude shift that underlies the European Commission’s Pathways to School Success initiative.

Including Ukrainian refugees in secondary school classrooms: what if the pupils just don’t speak the language?

Over the past few weeks, around 5 million Ukrainians have crossed the border into the European Union. While Ukraine’s Ministry of Education has done a stellar job of setting up online learning for all secondary school pupils, there are still other hurdles to overcome. Mialy Dermish from the SIRIUS Network reflects on social and linguistic inclusion for Ukrainian students and their pathway to educational success.

Blended learning in Steiner Waldorf schools

Blended learning in schools today usually means the use of digital technology to supplement traditional methods of teaching and learning. Martyn Rawson explains that Steiner Waldorf education understands blended learning in a broader sense – one that starts from direct, bodily experience and progresses to the use of digital media.

Learning for sustainability: beyond green gloss and towards serious reform

‘Frankly, when I first saw the title of the EU’s recent proposal for a Recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability, I wondered: “Why focus on environmental sustainability – isn’t that missing the point of sustainability?” Sustainability cannot be achieved by only looking at the environment, the economy, society or culture: we need to consider all these dimensions and how they interact.’ Professor Arjen Wals outlines the transformation that education should undergo to deal with the planet’s existential threats.

Education Talks: Environmental education

Agustín Bastida Rodríguez, director of the Centro De Formacion Ambiental, Madrid and moderator of the SENSE eTwinning Group, recently spoke with us about the importance of technology in environmental education and the various sectors where environmental education can take place.