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R.E.P.O.W.E.R. - Recover Earth, Protect Our World, Empower Resources


Lithuania - Dissemination after Rome Meeting

Created by Natalija ABROSIMOVA
Last updated by nilgün sezer 6 months 3 weeks ago

Our amazing experience in Rome.


We are very glad that another Erasmus+ project R.E.P.O.V.E.R. is getting started in our high school. The purpose of this project is to increase and deepen knowledge about sustainable lifestyle. Together with Italian, Greek, Turkish, and Polish school teams, we will talk in the activities and meetings of the whole project, we will look for ways to create a healthier, cleaner, more sustainable world and to transfer and spread this experience in our countries. On January 22-26, school teams from all countries participating in this project were invited to a preparatory meeting in Rome.

 It was nice to meet each other live, not through a computer screen, to communicate and to get to know each other better. Our high school was represented by project manager English teacher Natalija Abrosimova, headmaster Rimtautas Pečeliūnas and career specialist Rita Blaževičienė. During the sessions, the project implementation procedure, activity and travel schedules, planned works and their settlement methods, expectations and wishes were discussed. We have already talked in more detail about the topics of the project: about eco-gardening, the use of renewable energy, about economical and smart use of food, about moderate purchasing and the second life of things and clothes. These are the priority areas of the participants of this project.

Of course, we had to and found time to see the wonderful Rome, where every square, street, fountain, and building reminds us of history. It does not matter if you are in Rome for the first or for the tenth time - it is amazing, surprising with its beauty, colours, flavours and the sincerity of the people. It is the city where everyone wishes to come back here as a tourist.


This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This work reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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