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R.E.P.O.W.E.R. - Recover Earth, Protect Our World, Empower Resources



Created by nilgün sezer
Last updated by nilgün sezer 6 months 3 weeks ago

On November 22-26, a group of Gytariai pro-gymnasium teachers travelled to Italy, to the city of Bergamo, where they participated in the meeting of the participants of the Erasmus+ project R.E.P.O.W.E.R.The purpose of this entire project is the problems of global warming, solutions and ways to protect our future, ecology, the possibilities of creating a safe world.Project implementing teams from all participating countries - Italy, Turkey, Greece, Poland and Lithuania - met.The task of the trip to Italy was to discuss the results of already completed activities, specify the dates of other meetings, tasks, look for even more attractive forms of activities, share impressions and experiences.

During the trip, we had the opportunity to explore the city of Bergamo, wander through the streets of the medieval old town, visit churches and the wonderful Basilica of St. Mary.The most exciting part was the visit to Milan, which was organised by the Italian project coordinators.We admired the famous Milan Cathedral, remembered history in the Sforza Castle, took a walk in the city park, in the festively decorated city streets.

Of course, the countries are different in their cultures, traditions, history, but we, the project participants, are united by a common responsibility - we ourselves are responsible for the land on which we will continue to live, only we must name and solve the problems of sustainable living, together we must find solutions, sources of renewable energy.

After a pleasant and useful trip, we look forward to other meetings, first in Poland, then in Turkey and Greece.

This project is funded by the European Commission.This work reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


here is the link of the article