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About the project

Last updated by Danguolė Vaitmonienė 2 months 3 weeks ago


(#STEM3, for the Greek NSO)

CODE: in communications and information processing, a system of rules (algorithm) to convert information—such as a letter, word, sound, image, or gesture—into another form or representation, sometimes shortened or secret, for communication through a channel or storage in a medium.

RACE: tribe, gender, family, route, sprint......

SDGs: The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by 2030. (Wikipedia)

A project among eTwinning friends that share many commons in their official curriculums and they believe that coding, programming and ICT when collaborative is more challenging and at the same time more rewarding. We aim to motivate international teams of students to identify areas of their interest and relative to their daily life among the  UN Global Goals and using ICT tools of their option (coding, micro-controllers, 3D printing and AI) with creativity and critical thinking to propose solutions and promote actions for a more sustainable world. In this project the Greek school will also make use of equipment, a 3D priinter and Arduino starter kit, that had been offered by the Greek NSO in the frame of #STEM3 initiative.

Our students will work in national and/or international teams and individually according to the task, they will get familiar with the SDGs, they will find ways to contribute to sustainable solutions, they will publish their productions and they will adopt a critical approach on the technology, on the web applications and e-safety and on the power of ICT to foster collaborations for a better world.


We will design activities so that our students in national and international teams and individually (according to the task and attempting personalized learning):

 *Learn and use the basics of algorithms and coding

 *Work on the basic programming concepts

 * Work on esafety and media literacy (copyright, and validity of the sources they use)

 *Be familiar with the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development being set by the UN and choose in teams the one that they will promote connecting them to their own  local problems, their life and experiences.

 *Work on their selected SDG using coding environments and web tools (micro:bit, scratch, AI and web-based tools)

 *Develop their creativity and imagination

 *Develop their communication skills in English, and collaborative skills through coding

 In a nutshell... our students will be engaged in coding and digital literacy as a medium of computational thinking, communication, problem-solving, creativity, on real-life issues so that they will be enhanced in their route to responsible, active citizenship in their local and globalized community.

 Working Process-Schedule

The project will be embedded in the curriculum of the partners and the work process that fits  the partner classes  will be designed and scheduled collaboratively during the first teachers' meeting in a live event

The partner classes will propose and implement activities so that the aims of the project to be supported  under the condition that these activities are collaborative and can be adapted to all the partners’ curricula 


 All the final products will be shared on public pages in TwinSpace