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European School Education Platform

Release notes

Here you will find a list of the European School Education Platform releases since 2025.

We summarise the new features, improvements, bug fixes and other changes that were introduced in each release.

Release 7.2 – 12 March 2025

This year we’re focussing on improving existing functionality and fixing bugs. In this release, we addressed several bugs that affected different user groups.

General changes

  • We removed the ‘Not validated’ label for organisations that are not eTwinning-validated (and may not be eligible for validation).
  • It is no longer possible to copy or ‘duplicate’ courses, Erasmus+ postings or eTwinning project ideas created by other users or organisations.
  • When opening a chapter of the Toolkit for School Success, there now is a button to see all that chapter’s resources.
  • Lesson plans are now displayed only in the Teach area (no longer in Discover).
  • The personalised report of the self-assessment tool on inclusion and wellbeing now shows each resource only once, even if it is relevant to multiple sections.


  • A teacher can now always remove the pupils they have added to the TwinSpace.
  • Pupils can now delete their own posts on their TwinSpace wall.
  • The TwinSpace members list now shows the organisation the user joined the project. rather than the user’s default organisation, and for pupils it will show the last log-in date rather than ‘never’.
  • The process to invite new users to the TwinSpace has been improved, specifically when you cannot find the person that you want to add.
  • It is now (again) possible to add tables to pages.
  • Several other, smaller fixes: textual clarity when inviting a user to a TwinSpace or project; the ‘send message’ button is no longer shown for pupils; the icon in Materials > Videos now shows that it’s a download button; uploading pictures is now possible for all pupils.


  • eTwinners can now again be invited to Groups as Member, while not-validated users can now (only) be invited as Expert, Moderator or Observer.
  • The search function to invite users to a Group is fixed, and now always shows platform users.
  • The Revisions tab has been removed.

Other changes for eTwinners

  • The design issues with the Mailbox have been addressed.
  • When your name has non-Latin characters it will now display correctly on your Event certificate.
  • Users who already are linked as Student Teacher to an Initial Teacher Education Institution can no longer add a second ITEI membership.
  • For School Label Applications, draft submissions will get displayed in My Dashboard and several texts in the process (on the screen, in emails) will be more clear.
  • When you have a project with a National and European Quality Label, in My Dashboard it no longer says that you don’t have any NQLs.
  • As of next year’s application period, users whose NQL application got rejected will have a button to re-apply on the project landing page
  • The European Prize application button is now only visible during the application period.
  • Several texts have been improved to provide more and clearer information: for creating groups, uploading photos or videos, closing an eTwinning project idea or inviting users to a TwinSpace that don’t have an account on the platform yet.

Course catalogue

  • Course sorting has been improved, both on the Learn landing page and in the course search. There are still some issues, which will be addressed in a future release.
  • If a user has flagged a course and the report is closed as invalid, the course provider no longer receives a message that their course was blocked.
  • Each course provider will only have 1 course displayed on the Learn landing page.

Minor release 20/03/2025

  • It's possible again to comment and reply to comments in TwinSpace forums.
  • When creating or editing a page in a TwinSpace, the parent page can now only be set to a page which can be viewed by the user.