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An open book with children leading into it, symbolizing the journey of exploration through literature

Language through literature


Project Info

Created by Ayşegül Gümüşboğa
Last updated by Tamari Iremadze 11 months 2 weeks ago


An open book with children leading into it, symbolizing the journey of exploration through literature.

Short description

In the "Language through literature" project, students will delve into the enchanting world of English language and its connection to storytelling. Through carefully selected adapted texts, we'll embark on a captivating journey that enhances our language skills while immersing us in the art of narrative.


This project aims to kindle a passion for reading and language by weaving them together. We'll explore themes, characters, and emotions in the stories we encounter, and then express our thoughts through discussions and creative activities. As a crowning event, we'll host a "Literary Expression Evening," where students will present their own literary creations inspired by our readings.


"Language through literature" not only enhances language proficiency but also nurtures students' ability to express themselves creatively. It's an adventure that transforms language learning into a vibrant exploration of stories and communication.



The aims of "Language through literature" project are:


Cultivating a Love for Reading: The project aims to spark a genuine interest and enthusiasm for reading among ESL students. By exposing them to adapted English literature, the project seeks to show that reading can be enjoyable, engaging, and an avenue for discovering new worlds.


Language Skill Enhancement: Through reading and discussing literature, the project aims to enhance students' language skills, including vocabulary expansion, comprehension, and fluency. By engaging with well-crafted texts, students will naturally absorb and apply new language patterns and expressions.


Creative Expression: The project aims to encourage students to creatively express themselves. This is accomplished through discussions, reflections, and the culminating "Literary Poetry Evening," where students can interpret, analyze, and share their emotional responses to the stories.


Cultural Understanding: The selected adapted literature provides a window into different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. The project aims to broaden students' horizons by exposing them to diverse characters and settings, promoting a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Confidence Building: Engaging with adapted literature and expressing thoughts and opinions contribute to students' confidence in using English. The project aims to create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable sharing their ideas, enhancing their overall language proficiency.


Character Empathy: By connecting with characters in the literature, the project aims to develop students' empathy and emotional intelligence. Through discussions about characters' motivations and experiences, students can better understand different points of view.


Culminating Events: The "Literary Poetry Evening" and "Character Day" serve as aims to provide students with opportunities to showcase their creativity, public speaking skills, and collaborative abilities. These events foster a sense of achievement and community within the classroom.


Lifelong Appreciation: Ultimately, the project aims to cultivate a lifelong appreciation for literature and language. By introducing students to the joy of reading and storytelling, the project seeks to lay the foundation for continued exploration and engagement with English literature throughout their lives.


Work process:

I can provide some guidelines on how I can work with partner schools and share responsibilities for a collaborative project. I will outline the project's goals, activities, and expected outcomes, ensure that all partner schools have a clear understanding of the project's purpose and scope. I will organize meetings with representatives from each partner school to discuss the project. These meetings can be in-person, virtual, or a combination of both. During these meetings, I will establish open lines of communication and clarify expectations. I will set up regular communication channels, such as email threads, video conferences, or collaboration platforms. This ensures that all partner schools stay updated on project progress, challenges, and any adjustments to the plan. I will also set specific project milestones and deadlines. I will regularly review progress to ensure that the project stays on track and that any challenges are addressed in a timely manner. I will plan a final event or presentation where students from all partner schools can showcase their work and achievements. This could be a virtual event that allows for broader participation. At the end of the project, I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess the project's success, gather feedback from participants, and identify areas for improvement in future collaborations.

As for the project calendar, the project will start in October and last the whole academic year.

Month 1: Introduction and Reading Selection: Introduce Project Goals and Objectives to Students. Select Adapted Literature Texts. Distribute Reading Assignments and Materials.

Month 2: Exploring Literature and Creative Activities: Formation of the Literature Club. Reading and Discussion Sessions. Introduce Creative Expression Activities (Art, Writing, etc.)

Month 3: "Literary Poetry Evening". Students Present Their Poetic Interpretations

Reflection and Discussion on Project Experience.

Month 4: Theme Analysis: Thematic Collages: students will create collages representing the central themes of the adapted texts. This visual exercise helps them grasp the underlying messages.

Month 5: Literary Quizzes: Create quizzes based on the adapted texts, characters, and themes to reinforce comprehension and encourage healthy competition.

Month 6: Literary Podcasts: Encourage students to record short podcasts discussing their favorite scenes, characters, or themes from the literature.

Month 7: Culminating Events Execution


Literary Character Parade: As a part of "Character Day," organize a parade where students dress up as their favorite characters and share brief descriptions of their roles. Project Reflection and Celebration: Literary Café: Host a literary-themed café where students share their reflections on the project, discuss favorite moments, and recommend books to each other.


Expected results

The project is designed with several expected results that aim to enrich students' learning experience and foster a deeper connection with literature. Here are some anticipated outcomes:


Increased Reading Engagement: Through the exposure to adapted English literature and engaging activities, students are expected to develop a heightened interest in reading. They should become more eager to explore stories and discover the worlds within books.


Language Proficiency Enhancement: As students read and discuss the literature, their language skills, including vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency, should naturally improve. Engaging with well-crafted texts provides valuable exposure to new language patterns and expressions.

Cultural Awareness: By exploring literature with diverse settings and characters, students are likely to gain a broader understanding of different cultures, fostering empathy and an appreciation for global perspectives.


Creative Expression: The creative activities, such as poetry evenings and character day, encourage students to express themselves in imaginative ways. They should develop their creative thinking and communication skills.


Confidence Building: As students engage in discussions, presentations, and creative projects related to the literature, their confidence in using English as a means of expression should increase.


Critical Thinking: Analyzing characters, themes, and literary devices encourages students to think critically and extract deeper meanings from the texts, improving their analytical skills.


Collaborative Skills: Collaborative activities with partner schools and group projects within the classroom help students refine their teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills.


Public Speaking Abilities: The culminating events, such as the literary poetry evening and character day, provide opportunities for students to practice and improve their public speaking skills.

Appreciation for Literature: By immersing themselves in the adapted texts and participating in engaging activities, students are likely to develop a lasting appreciation for literature and storytelling.


Culminating Celebrations: The final events, where students showcase their creativity and knowledge, foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in their achievements