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European School Education Platform

eTwinning School label application guidelines

1. Prerequisites – eligibility for eTwinning Schools Label application


eTwinning schools recognise the importance and values of eTwinning and embed it into the school’s policies, practice, and professional development with the support of school management.

With the eTwinning School Label, eTwinning recognises and asseses the involvement, commitment, and dedication not only of individual eTwinners, but of the whole school, where teams of teachers and school leaders work together.



General prerequisites:  

Applications for eTwinning Schools 2024-2025 will open on 6th of February and the schools that are eligible to apply will have to meet the following prerequisites:  


  • the school must have been registered with eTwinning for more than two years (cut-off date: 01/01/2022 or earlier), 
  • there are at least three eTwinning teachers working in the school who have been involved in projects, professional development, or other eTwinning activities since 01/01/2022, 
  • the school has been involved in at least one eTwinning European project that has been granted a National Quality Label since 01/11/2021. 


If a school fulfils these requirements, all eTwinners in the school that are registered on ESEP will receive an email invitation to complete the application form and a notification on ESEP, see below.



Dear name,<br/><br/>


Congratulations! Your school is eligible to apply for the title of <a link1>eTwinning School</a>.<br/><br/>

Before you proceed, we advise that <b>you discuss</b> this application with the other teachers who are registered for eTwinning in your school. Please also involve the <b>school principal or director</b> as their signature on the declaration of honour is mandatory for the application to be submitted. <br/><br/>To apply for the eTwinning School Label, please click on <a _link2>this link</a> where you will find the application form.<br/> <br/>Good luck with your application!


Kind regards,


The eTwinning team





2. Filling in the application form

Only eligible teachers have access to the eTwinning School Label application form within the eTwinning area of the ESEP. They need to go to the eTwinning area and click on the ‘eTwinning School Label application’ button. 


Screenshot step1


The application will then open and they must select the school they want to apply for. Only eligible schools will appear in the dropdown menu.


Screenshot step2


Teachers click on ‘Next’ and read some general information about the application form. Here, they have access to the eTwinning School Mission and they can download the application form. They can print it and share it with their colleagues so they can discuss what information they need to add.

When filling in the form on the platform, the information submitted can be saved as a draft at every step of the process.


Screenshot step3


In the next step, teachers have to provide evidence of the eSafety policies at their school.


Screenshot Step4


When they select ‘Yes’, the system requires the applicant to either add a URL or upload a relevant document (PDF or JPG) and then add a description if needed. In all descriptions, applicants can write up to 2 500 characters (spaces included).


NOTE: To upload a document, the applicant should click on the ‘Upload documents’ button after selecting the document to upload. One document per statement is allowed. The applicant can delete a document they have uploaded if they want to upload a new one and repeat the procedure.




Screenshot Step7


Once this is done, they click ‘Next’.


In steps 3 to 7, the applicants should reply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the different statements. If the applicant does not know, they can select ‘I am not aware’, but this will count as a 'No'. When they select ‘Yes’ for a statement, they have to upload a document up to 10MB as evidence. At the end, they will have a text box where they must give a short description of the evidence they have uploaded for the questions. Finally, they have a text box where they are asked to describe what they plan to do in the next 2 years in relation to each eTwinning School Mission statement.


Below you can find screenshots of all the questions:


Screenshot Step8
Screenshot Step9
Screenshot Step10
Screenshot Step11
Screenshot Step12
Screenshot Step13
Screenshot Step14
Screenshot Step15
Screenshot Step16
Screenshot Step17
Screenshot Step18


Screenshot Step19
Screenshot Step20
Screenshot Step21


Once the applicant has filled in all the information and uploaded the relevant documents, they will need to download the ‘declaration of honour’, have it signed and stamped by the school principal, and upload it back into the form.


Screenshot Step22


Once this has been done, the applicant clicks on ‘Save and Preview’ to check that the information is correct. If the applicant didn’t upload all the relevant documents, they will be notified.

At this stage, the applicant can download the completed application form.


Screenshot Step23


If everything is okay, they click the ‘Submit’ button.


Once the form has been submitted, the applicant will receive an email to confirm that their submission was successful:


Your application has been submitted successfully.


Thank you


Kind regards,


The eTwinning team



If, upon review of the application, the NSO rejects it, the applicant will receive a notification on their ESEP desktop and the following email:


Dear _name,


Following your recent application for the eTwinning School Label, we wish to inform you that your application form for _school has been audited by your National Support Organisation. As a result, they have decided to reject the awarding of the eTwinning School Label at this time.


This is the reason given by your National Support Service:



If possible, please address the comments made by the NSO and re-submit the application with the relevant evidence by _resubmission-deadline.


Kind regards,

The eTwinning team


If the school can address the comments made by the NSO, they can re-submit the application with the relevant evidence (TIMEFRAME TO BE ANNOUNCED).


If the application is approved by the NSO, all the teachers at the school who are registered will receive a notification on their ESEP desktop and by email:


Dear _name
Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the eTwinning School Label 2023–2024. This is a great achievement by the eTwinning team in your school!
The official announcement will be made on the European School Educational Platform, other eTwinning news channels, and the European Commission's news channels this week.
What's next?

You can proudly use the eTwinning School Label badge (attached) on your school website.

Your NSO will shorty send you a parcel containing some eTwinning materials and, of course, the eTwinning school plaque.

You will be invited to participate in the eTwinning Schools' Group and in the various activities for eTwinning Schools.

Congratulations again for being an example to all other schools. We count on your dedication and commitment to promoting eTwinning and its values, which are represented by the eTwinning Schools' Mission.

Kind regards,

The eTwinning team


3. Evidence to be submitted


Applicants should submit relevant evidence to support their answers to each of the statements.



Data protection note: All the information provided as evidence will be treated confidentially for the sole purpose of evaluating the eTwinning School Label application by the NSO.



If you prefer, you can hide the personal information of people who are not registered with eTwinning.

Below, you can see the types of evidence that teachers can upload for each statement:



Shared leadership


Examples of evidence to be provided

There is a shared school vision outlining the school's values and objectives that is shared with the whole school community.

  • A document or the school’s website URL where the school’s vision and values are presented.
  • A screenshot of an email or newsletter (or any other form of communication) that shows that the school’s vision and values have been shared.

The shared school vision has been translated into mission statements, which explain what the school is currently doing to achieve its vision. (*This might take the form of the school’s action plan).

  • The school’s action plan (or any other similar document) that gives examples of how the vision and the mission statements are linked to the school’s practical work (e.g. school partnerships with the local community, themed school clubs for teachers etc.).

The school’s leadership is not restricted to those who hold formal leadership roles, but involves other staff members who lead other school activities (e.g. eTwinning, Erasmus+ coordinator etc.).

  • A document where the different tasks and roles are described, showing who takes the lead on different activities (e.g. the eTwinning coordinator is responsible for registering eTwinning projects at the school, the Erasmus+ coordinator supports teachers in the application process, an ICT teacher gives training to their colleagues on digital tools).

There is a well-established sharing culture in the school where decision-making processes and goal setting are shared and collaborative practices.

  • A document (e.g. minutes taken during meetings) that shows that there are regular meetings for school staff and proves that decisions are made collaboratively (e.g. through voting).
  • A screenshot or URL of a collaborative tool (e.g. Padlet, Miro) where discussions, goal-setting, and decision-making processes on the school’s activities are illustrated.


Teachers plan their teaching activities together in official and informal meetings.

  • A screenshot or a URL of a collaborative tool (e.g. Padlet, Miro) where it is clear that teachers have collaborated on teaching activities.
  • Screenshots or pictures from formal and informal online/onsite meetings (with explanations/context of the meeting).

Teachers collaborate on shared projects and/or they engage in co-teaching activities.

  • A screenshot of eTwinning project members, showing that more than one teacher in the school takes part in the project.
  • A document (or a screenshot of it) that illustrates that at least two teachers work collaboratively with a class of pupils in the context of either an eTwinning project or to teach different subjects.

The school collaborates with parents with the shared goal of maximising pupils’ learning outcomes and wellbeing.

  • A parents’ meetings calendar and/or screenshots from online/onsite parents’ meetings.
  • Evidence (photo or screenshot) of parents actively participating in classroom activities (e.g. a parent talking about their profession, a parent who is a composer helping to create the anthem for the eTwinning project).

The school collaborates with the local community (e.g. community organisations, sport clubs, education and training providers, government organisations, local business, and industry) to help pupils understand their role in the broader community.

  • Screenshots showing collaboration between the school and various organisations within and beyond eTwinning projects.
  • A document that describes the planned activities (e.g. an invitation for experts to come to the school, pupils visiting organisations) and shows how the school collaborated with the local community.
  • Evidence of activities on the school website or in the school newspaper/magazine.


Students as agents of change

Teachers and pupils work together from planning an activity to its actual implementation.

  • Screenshots from an eTwinning project where pupils actively participate in activities.
  • Anonymous questionnaires where pupils are asked about the activities that they would like to be included in the plan.
  • Images of a group activity where young pupils participate by sharing ideas on a board.

The school involves pupils in making decisions about school issues/project issues etc.

  • Pictures of pupils participating in school meetings with teachers (including a description).
  • A world café where teachers, pupils, and parents work together to discuss various school issues and improvements etc.
  • A document showing the pupils’ council’s involvement in school decisions (e.g. pupil representatives actively participating in teacher meetings).

Pupils who have participated in a project are asked to present what they did at an open event at the school.

  • Pictures and a description of the event (presentation in another class, at school events, conferences etc.) where pupils presented their project.
  • Note: Younger pupils can present an activity they have done e.g. a fairy-tale they wrote, a short drama performance, a song etc.

Pupils are involved in training other teachers/pupils on how to use eTwinning-ICT tools.

  • Pictures and a description of training activities that pupils have organised for teachers and other pupils.
  • Screenshots or URLs of tutorials on digital tools or other educational topics created by pupils.

Pupils are involved in parents’ meetings or meetings with local authorities and promote eTwinning from the pupils’ perspective.

  • Evidence (document or pictures) that demonstrates pupils’ involvement in parents’ meetings.
  • Evidence (document, pictures, URLs) from promotional eTwinning activities aimed at parents (e.g. open day, school events).
  • Inviting parents to join eTwinning activities (e.g. in the context of an eTwinning project).
  • Promoting eTwinning to local authorities through pupils’ voices (e.g. videos, pictures, presentations, article in school newspaper etc.).
  • Note: Younger pupils can present an activity they have done e.g. a fairy-tale they wrote, a small drama performance, a song etc.

Pupils have opportunities to showcase their work at events outside school such as educational fairs, competitions, etc

  • Evidence (document, pictures, URLs) from promotional eTwinning activities aimed at the community outside the school (e.g. educational fairs, competitions, Erasmus+ meetings, NSO events).
  • Promoting eTwinning beyond the school through pupils’ voices (e.g. videos, pictures, presentations, article in local newspaper, interview in media etc.).
  • Note: Younger pupils can present an activity they have done e.g. a fairy-tale they wrote, a small drama performance, a song etc.



Models for other schools

The school organises training courses on eTwinning (methodology, tools, opportunities) for its teachers and pupils.

  • A course programme describing the modules and content.
  • The case of online courses, the URLs of the course, along with a short description if not visible in the URL.

The school staff organises training sessions for the schools in the area by presenting projects, tools, and teaching methods etc.

  • An agenda of the sessions/events describing the modules and content.
  • The number of participants attending the events/sessions.
  • Pictures (or article on the school website) demonstrating and sharing these sessions.

The school’s website is regularly updated to inform the community about all the school’s eTwinning activities.

  • The school website (or any other social media under the name of the school) with the eTwinning logo on its homepage.
  • URL or screenshot of eTwinning-related articles, where the date is visible (show the most recent articles, closer to the application deadline).

The school staff (not just teachers) participates in events (e.g. educational conferences, etc.) to share the school’s work.

  • The programme/agenda of an educational conference or any other educational event, where one or more teachers from the school present their school’s work in relation to European projects (not just on eTwinning).

The school has an eTwinning corner to showcase eTwinning activities.

  • A picture of the eTwinning corner at the school.


Inclusive and innovative learning organisations

The school creates and supports continuous learning opportunities for all staff e.g. participation in training, conferences, anddistant learning.

  • Screenshot of certificates (or scan of certificates saved as a single .pdf file) that prove that several members of staff (not just one teacher) have completed a continuous learning opportunity.
  • A document that illustrates the school training plan for all staff throughout the school year.
  • The URL of the school’s website where the learning opportunities are described (e.g. agenda and evaluation by participants and the organising school).

The school promotes team learning and collaboration among all staff.

  • Screenshots of eTwinning project members showing the number of staff members from the school who are involved in eTwinning projects (and/or other European projects).
  • Evidence (screenshots, documents) that demonstrates the existence of working groups and their tasks and work.
  • Evidence (screenshots, documents) of inter-/multi-disciplinary projects that demonstrate how different staff members from different subjects collaborate.
  • Evidence (screenshots from emails, pictures etc.) that illustrates informal collaboration of the school staff (e.g. coffee meetings, visits, organised trips).

The school nurtures a culture of inquiry, innovation, and exploration.

  • Reports of activities or actions that support the school/local community e.g. seminars/webinars for parents on different topics (eSafety, parenting, etc.).
  • Distinctions and awards that the school has received for innovative activities that they have completed.

The school demonstrates activities that prove teachers’and pupils’ awareness of how toresponsibly use the internet.

  • The school's netiquette is included on the school website.
  • Evidence (pictures, URLs, agenda) of online/onsite events on eSafety.
  • A copy of the eSafety labels that the school might have acquired.
  • Evidence (pictures, URLs) of training content on eSafety (e.g. eSafety Club, a school guide, or a video made for pupils by pupils).

The school benefits from partnerships developed with the external environment and the wider educational community (e.g.universities, community organisations,and subject experts etc.).

  • Evidence of the agreements/memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the institutions (school and universities, or other organisations).
  • Photos of events organised with external partners, links to the website/school blog where collaborations with experts, universities and/or community organisations are described.
  • Articles on local, regional, national media or posts on social media about collaborations, including a description of the activities (process, objectives, results).

The school recognises and supports pupils with special needs, who might face learning, linguistic and social challenges, through specific support and actions that are aimed to increase their learning success.

  • A document that shows the school’s policy on supporting pupils with special needs or learning, linguistic, and social challenges.
  • Photos of accessible learning spaces (or adaptations made) within the school building or school playground.
  • Documents and materials about activities related to the development of specific programmes for special needs students.
  • Evidence (e.g. documents, pictures) that demonstrates a practical action plan for pupils in need of support (e.g. curricular adaptation, an individualised education/learning programme/plan, differentiated instruction).