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European School Education Platform


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Projects (167)

Are you eager to instill a love for reading in your students in a fun and creative way? Then this project is perfect for you! Our Booktubers workshop invites students to dive into the world of books...

As everyone knows, recycling is one of the important concepts of our age to protect our environment. The 3R rule, namely REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE, is an expanded version of the concept of recycling...

Students will create a physical Christmas card to exchange by post. All the schools will receive postcards from different countries to create a "European Christmas cards exchange wall" in the school...

The project unites pupils across Europe in the spirit of the holiday season. Schoolchildren from different European countries come together to exchange festive Christmas cards, celebrating the...

The idea of the project is to exchange Christmas cards with schools from Greece and the rest of Europe. Students prepare handmade Christmas cards. They write wishes in both English and their mother...

Õppijad valmistavad ise jõulukaardid, kirjutavad sinna sisse isetehtud luuletused ja head jõulusoovid ning saadavad need teistele projektis osalejatele posti teel. Saadud kaardid pannakse näitusele...

Õpilased tutvuvad enda riigi rahvustoitude ja nende valmistamisega. Ühiselt valitakse välja 10 erinevat toitu, mida hakatakse rühmatööna valmistama (koostatakse retsept, pildistatakse töö etappe jne)...

See projekt on 4 kooli koostöö, sh osalevad 2 kooli Eestist ja 2 kooli välismaalt. Igast koolist osaleb 10-liikmeline õpilaste grupp, kes õpib tundma ja tutvustama enda kooli, saab suhtlemise kogemuse...