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European Prizes

The eTwinning European Prizes are the ultimate honour that teachers and students can receive for their outstanding work in eTwinning.
eTwinning European Prize
Image: Certificate

The eTwinning European prizes are designed to reward outstanding European eTwinning projects and give them maximum visibility. The objective is to identify, celebrate and promote innovative practices. They are an initiative of the European Commission financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


eTwinning projects promote collaborative learning: students learn from one another, interact, communicate and thus feel responsible for their own learning. A European eTwinning project starts with the participation of at least two teachers from different countries.



The main category of the eTwinning European Prizes, as from 2021, has five levels:

  • Age category for early childhood education and care (ECEC): for all projects carried out mainly with pupils aged up to 6 years.
  • Age category for pupils aged 7-11: for or all projects carried out mainly with pupils of this age group.
  • Age category for pupils aged 12-15: for all projects carried out mainly with pupils of this age group.
  • Age category for pupils aged 16-19: for all projects carried out mainly with pupils of this age group.
  • Projects in Initial vocational education and training (IVET): for all projects carried out mainly by teachers working in an IVET institution and at, the same time, dealing with vocational content/subjects of a VET programme.


Please note: if a project involves more than one age category the application can only be submitted in one age category.


Each year National Support Organisations may also organise Special Category Prizes co-funded with the Erasmus+ programme. Teachers may apply also for one of such Special Categories, if present, via the application form.


An additional special category of eTwinning European Prizes, in the field of Initial Teacher Education, has been established in 2021 and will be awarded in 2022. This Prize will be awarded with a different selection process which will be published as soon as possible.


Selection and Awards

The award-winning projects are selected and nominated in partnership with the National Support Organisations, which are involved in shaping this initiative through a co-creation process. A full description of the various steps involving the selection process is available on this page.


The prizes are usually awarded at the Annual eTwinning Conference. As a complement, a series of local events for prizes may also be organised in agreement with the winning partner schools. 


More information about the final prize is available on this page.

Winners list