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European School Education Platform
animals with AI


This eTwinning project is designed vertically for primary school students from 1st to 5th grade, aged 6-11, who study English as a foreign language in European countries and has animals and all STEAM subjects as a common thread. In this project, students from different European schools will collaborate on the topic of animals. They will brainstorm vocabulary related to the word animal and learn to describe them, recognize their appearance and characteristics. But above all, animals will be the theme for coding, storytelling, tinkering, and discovering artificial intelligence activities. Throughout the project, students will work in mixed groups and use IT tools to communicate and collaborate. The project will be presented to the rest of the school communities during a final celebration in May/June. Teachers and students will create a joint document using online tools. The project will be conducted in English, which will enrich the children's vocabulary related to animals and will merge with STEAM subjects: (geography, science, art, technology...). The main goal of the project is to communicate with partner schools across Europe, share information and learn from each other and deepen by doing STEM subjects. “If I listen I forget, if I see I remember, if I do I understand” ancient Chinese proverb. Learning by doing, learning by doing, learning through doing.
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5 members
