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Sustainability for EU and ME


Meeting for Lüleburgaz Turkiye students' Activity 1 task - November 13

Created by Marina Cvijić
Last updated by Marina Cvijić 6 months 1 week ago

As Turkish Project Team selected the topic "Examples of Good Practices in our 8 Partner Countries", we worked hard, and dedicated so many efforts.

In order to prepare our poster, we needed information from our partner countries. Our project team tried many times to join the Discussion of Activity 1, but they always saw a blank page with "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" option as in the following screenshot - 1.


Then, as the students could not join the discussion and get information about our topic, we decided to organise an Online Meeting with students from partner countries. The meeting was arranged on TwinSpace by our coordinator Marina Cvijic on 13th November at 8 p.m. CET. However, none of the students could enter the meeting room on TwinSpace even if they tried each different browser because they came across with a notification "You are not authorized to access this page" even though they are already TwinSpace members of the project as seen in the following screenshot - 2.

Thus, we had to use Zoom to hold the meeting, and continued our meeting on that platform, and in the end, we were able to get the answers for our topic.


We also prepared a Google Document below to get information from our partner schools:


What are the examples of good practices on sustainability in your country?


The Online Meeting on 13th November was quite fruitful, informative, interactive and enjoyable. The whole Turkish Project Team of Lüleburgaz Ramazan Yaman Fen Lisesi and two Croatian students attended the meeting. Three of Turkish students were the moderators, and Teacher Duygu YILDIZ was the guide and supporter during the meeting.

Firstly, they got to know each other better. Then they asked and answered questions about their student life, and exchanged information about their education systems and school subjects. After that, Turkish moderator students as well as others asked questions about the examples of good practices in Croatia. 

One of the most wonderful results of the meeting was that all the participant students enjoyed a lot and built close interactions and relationships. We were all happy that we had a very successful and unforgettable meeting experience.





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