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European School Education Platform
This is our project logo which was made year one of the project.
TwinSpace | TwinSpace

S.T.A.R.S & C.R.E.A.T.I.V.I.T.Y - 2


The Stars' badges

Last updated by BRIGITTE COLLOMB 1 year 7 months ago

    •  CREATIVITY: a Star badge (simple level: imitation); get familiar with the topic sharing their photo + relevant info on the badge. The badges will be used for mobility.
    • CURRICULUM: English writing: find the useful information to create your badge.
    • COLLABORATION: to find the relevant info for the badge and tools to create it.
    • DIGITAL TOOLS: BigHugeLab badge creator  
    • RESULT: a badge while travelling as proof of belonging and maybe on their photo too.


    1. Complete your profile on the TwinSpace.Click on the grey square, at the top right hand corner, where there should be your photo (next to the bell and the envelope); you will get on your profile; click on "edit profile" you don't need to say your name in the short introduction text, you can tell about your hobbies, talents as a star... Then you can add your photo as a star; you can dress up!  Let's get in the topic!

    2. discuss in the bottom page discussion what should be written on your badge; you must interact with the other students in the forum to give your opinion, agree or disagree.

    3. Prepare an ID card, dear "Stars" with the common chosen information. You are now working for "S.T.A.R.S & C.R.E.A.T.I.V.I.T.Y Entertainment Agency" and you are from different Agencies, the French, the Polish, the Italian and the Slovenian one! Why not specify it on your badge? (Your school)  Follow the links to create your badge as Star. You will need your personal picture where you are dressed up.

    4. Then share your wonderful badge in the Twinboard, you must write your name + country as a title. (Click on "add an item" to post in the Twinboard.) You must use this free online tools to create your badge like the one in the example (teacher or students) :


    AFTER DISCUSSION: follow the examples to create your personal badge with your personal information; you will have to type the color code as given in the examples to have the right color.


    "CHIEF ENTERTAINER" BADGE (for the teachers)

    Will be "orange" [ color code: #fc7300]



    Help to fill in yours:


    "ARTIST" BADGE (For the students)

    Will be blue  [color code:  #539cff]


  • Share your badges here! Write your name + country as a title. (+ photo of you dressed up as an artist)