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European Commission logo
European School Education Platform
This is our project logo which was made year one of the project.

S.T.A.R.S & C.R.E.A.T.I.V.I.T.Y - 2

Erasmus KA227, "Skills Talents Aptitudes Responsibility Serendipity & Culture of Resilience Entertaining Artistic Teams Illustrating Values with Innovative Tools for Youth" is an exchange of good practices project which will start on June 30th 2021 and will last for two years. The partner countries are: France, Poland, Italy and Slovenia. The project will involve the students into a democratical and entrepreunerial role play ; the partners will be organized into an international entertaining agency named "Stars & Creativity Entertaining Agency"; we will use the Twinspace as our virtual office, innovative fablab for digital creativity; our website and display; our media agency in order to advertise our services. The students, teachers and association partners will prepare entertaining orders, advertise them before and after performance, and will have a critical eye on them to improve for the following mobility. It will be an active place of intercultural dialogue.



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