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European School Education Platform


Let your voice be heard in our regular surveys on school education issues, and explore the results.

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Two female teachers discuss lesson plans

Survey on reinforcing the attractiveness of teacher careers - Results

School education is only possible thanks to teachers. They help children develop essential skills for their future working life and become active and responsible citizens. However, most EU countries struggle to engage young teachers and to keep experienced teachers in the job, which increases the need to reinforce the attractiveness of teacher careers.
keywords and a handshake

Survey on school mentoring programmes – Results

Mentoring usually refers to the process of an experienced person, the mentor, assisting another person, the mentee, in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the mentee’s professional and personal growth. At school level, mentoring opportunities are available for pupils, usually focusing on their educational performance and social-emotional support, and teachers, in the context of initial training or continuous professional development programmes, for example.