Learn from the 2024 eTwinning European prize winners

These videos celebrate the 2024 winning projects, and show the great collaboration, innovative ideas and unique perspectives of the teachers and pupils involved.
The sense of rainbow colours
The winning project in the up-to-6-years age group took an interdisciplinary approach, combining art, science and technology to explore colours. Teachers from Armenia, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia worked together to design sensory activities for children to experience and learn about colours in creative and immersive ways.
The adventures of eTwinfish
The winning project in the 7–11 age group followed the journey of a little octopus travelling through seas and oceans, meeting other creatures who share tips on how to live and survive. Through this story, teachers from Greece, Italy and Poland encouraged pupils to discuss environmental pollution and raised awareness about inclusion, empathy, knowledge and peer relationships.
The winning project in the 12–15 age group adopted a multidisciplinary, cross-curricular approach to exploring the ocean. Teachers from Spain and Italy worked together to raise awareness about environmental protection, climate change and pollution, while encouraging pupils to develop their language skills.
Code of mystery
The winning project in the 16–19 age group explored mathematics, encryption, encoding and security through a creative, interdisciplinary and collaborative approach. Teachers from Croatia, Czechia, France, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Türkiye helped pupils explore these topics while learning about each other’s cultures and improving their language skills.
Natural is good, chemical is bad?
The winning project for the Initial Vocational Education and Training group brought together teachers and pupils from Croatia, Greece, Serbia and Türkiye to address the challenge of fake news related to chemistry and science. The project encouraged strong collaboration between schools and helped break down some common misconceptions, such as the belief that synthetic chemicals are inherently more harmful than natural ones.
These inspiring projects show how teamwork, creativity and innovation can help teachers and students to have more meaningful learning experiences and address important global challenges through education.
Additional information
Education type:Early Childhood Education and CareSchool EducationVocational Education and Training
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalTeacher Educator
Target audience ISCED:Early childhood education (ISCED 0)Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)