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European School Education Platform


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Projects (253)

During our project our students will have a chance to share cultural features with other countries by visiting their countries and attending their festivals. They will also notice similarities and...

This project establishes a link between the countries of Europe, its languages and its culture. At the same time, pupils gain an insight into artificial intelligence and its current possibilities. The...

When measuring the intelligence of our students in the classroom environment, when a student who plays a musical instrument well cannot solve the division problem, or when a student who can write...

With the integration of technology, artificial intelligence and web 2.0 tools into lessons, we will look at how inventions have affected our lives from past to present. We will find solutions to the...

Students from different countries introduce their schools, cities and countries to their peers from other countries. Their English skills and technological abilities will improve. The participating...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

În luna octombrie Toamna își pune bogăția la dispoziția creativității copiilor care își propun să creeze sculpturi în legume și fructe: pinguini din vinete, regi și regine din morcovi și frunze...

Alimentația este sursa necesară, un subiect abordat în diverse texte literare/nonliterare sau științifice.Tinerii din grupurile multinaționale pot colabora și învăţa despre nutriţie: nevoile de hrană...

National Quality Label

Students will introduce themselves at the beginning and create logos. Through activities during work, they will become aware of the difference between meter and rhythm, and perform music by singing...