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European School Education Platform


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Do you want to create a project? eTwinning'e katıl today.

Projects (4128)

Collaborate with peers from eTwinning partner schools to work together and draw a self-portrait to celebrate the spectrum of the skin colour and diversity. Students draw themselves and mix paint to...

We all come from a background that is a compilation of our family histories and our personal experiences growing up. Knowing our own story is empowering. Understanding our own background may help us...

Through creating pizzas (real and imaginary), discovering how all the elements are needed as each individual in the World is needed to create a whole.

The children make a drawing of themselves and their family members.

We try out some acrobatics, share warm-up games and pictures or videos about the acrobatics we do.

“Everyone should have a good time”. That is our goal but it can actually be difficult to know if everyone is having a good time. We believe the first step to achieve it could be to change the sentence...

As long as humans have been on earth they have been creative and innovative – humans have invented things and made innovative solutions. In these years our nature and surroundings need some of the...

All children deserve to grow up. In Denmark about 200 children under 18 get diagnosed with cancer every year. Actually 150 children are younger than 15 and most of them become ill before they start in...