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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14)

"Europa entdecken - Kultureller Austausch über Grenzen hinweg" ist ein eTwinningprojekt, in dem Schüler aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern ihre Kulturen teilen. Von individuellen Steckbriefen bis...

Želja nam je istražiti i prezentirati saznanja o božićnim običajima našeg zavičaja u prošlosti, o božićnim čestitkama u prošlosti i tradicijskim božićnim jelima.. Učenici će učiti i spoznavati...

The Internet has become a vital part of our lives. Students have grown knowing and using the Internet and its various uses, therefore we need to ensure the safety of students online. "Internet Safety"...

High school / high school students in the final grades (18/19 years) will be concerned with the phenomena of migrations based on an analysis of the situation in contemporary societies of the world. So...

National Quality Label

With this project, we want to help promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe by focusing on proverbs. Pupils first explore their linguistic heritage through famous proverbs used in...

National Quality Label

The project “Hidden world of parabolas” is an innovative approach in study of quadratic function. Parabola is very present in many different ways in our space. Students will discover quadratic...

National Quality Label

In this project, in a creative way and through the usage of digital tools, students are going to present the cultural heritage of the place they live in. The emphasis is placed on the artistic and...

National Quality Label

Partnership consists of six schools from different European countries: Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic, France, Greece, and Turkey. Our concern arises as European society being challenged by multiple...