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European School Education Platform


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Do you want to create a project? eTwinning'e katıl today.

Projects (2344)

In our project, we want to produce geometric shapes using threads, needles, buttons, knots and fabrics with our students between the ages of 10-18, thus improving the students' manual skills and...

Teachers students will design a game that integrates STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) and physical activity. Students from different universities will work together in mixed...

- STEP 1: Learning and teaching about the elements’ history: students read some articles, and search the internet to find out about the topic. The sources must be reliable. The students will choose...

Digitalna gejmifikacija u predškolskom obrazovanju predstavlja korišćenje igara i elementa gejmifikacije primenom digitalnih tehnologija kako bi se unapredila i obogatila iskustva dece. Interaktivne...

Državna organizacija za podršku eTwinning-u već treću godinu za redom poziva eTwinnere da učestvuju u obilježavanju Dana planete Zemlje i to putem dostavljanja vlastitih praksi, prijedloga, ideja u...

We are a school for the education of students with developmental disabilities, where most of our pupils are from the autism spectrum disorder. As the World Autism Day is approaching, we are looking...

Suradnja i međusobno uvažavanje unutar razrednog odjela, škole i obitelji. Uključivanje roditelja u školske aktivnosti s ciljem uspostave kvalitetne suradnje na dobrobit učenika.

Ovaj projekat je deo istoimenog Erazmus+ projekta. Kako smo škola koju pohađa veliki broj dece bez roditeljskog staranja smeštenih u Dečijem selu u Sremskoj Kamenici, želja nam je da im povećamo...