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European School Education Platform

Poetry Spring during Quarantine

Pasaulyje paskelbus karantiną ir uždarius ugdymo įstaigas ugdymo procesas neturi sustoti, vaikai turi ir toliau būti ugdomi, tai mūsų kaip pedagogų pareiga, todėl šis konkursas yra puiki išeitis dirbant darbą nuotoliniu būdu. Pakvieskite ir paraginkite tėvelius dalyvauti su savo vaikais, galbūt netgi kurkite su vaiku pačios bendraudamos virtualių programų pagalba, ar kurkite su savo vaikais namuose. With the world quarantining and the closure of educational establishments, the educational process must not stop, children must continue to be educated, it is our duty as educators, so this competition is a great way to work remotely. Invite and encourage parents to participate with their children, perhaps even create with children by interacting with virtual applications yourself, or create with your own children at home.
Created on
43 members


Lithuania(25), Turkey(5), Portugal(4), Poland(3), Azerbaijan(2), Romania(2), United Kingdom(1), Spain(1)
Age range:
up to 3