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European School Education Platform

World around us! Send a postcard or picture

We would like to exchange postcards with other schools from different parts of the world. Our school is very small and the children will be so greatful if they get cards from different country. My students are aged 7-12. Are you interested?? The members of this group will send a postcard or a collage poster to the other members so that each class will receive information from the different countries represented. This is not a pupil to pupil exchange but we want to collect poscard from different places/ counties. You can send from 1-10 cards if you want or some collage poster/s about your country/places where you live!! Please join us!
Created on
39 members


Turkey(6), Italy(5), Poland(4), Lithuania(3), Ukraine(3), Spain(3), Georgia(2), Romania(2), Portugal(2), Greece(2), Croatia(1), Azerbaijan(1), Tunisia(1), Serbia(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Czech Republic(1), Finland(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: