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European School Education Platform

For Our Erasmus Plus Project - Global Environmental Awareness and Responsibility ( GEAR )

The effects of environmental issues constitute a global legacy that future generations must contend with regardless of where they live. International community governments have committed to increasing awareness about environmental issues largely through their national educational systems, focusing on sustainability. Such education, however, tends to be limited to the classroom. Only by involving pupils as valid stakeholders in shared environmental issues, through activities that extend beyond classrooms, can we truly lay the foundations for a sustainable future. Developing partnerships between schools across Europe widens the scope of global awareness and responsibility. Transnational exchange of experiences is essential to develop pupils’ experience beyond their local environment, leading to a broader worldview and increased tolerance of the situation of others. To cultivate a sense of empathy and social justice, pupils need to be aware of the situation of peers elsewhere.
Created on
14 members


Italy(4), Turkey(4), Finland(3), Greece(1), Spain(1), Belgium(1)
Age range:
up to 3