Ana içeriğe atla
European School Education Platform
Biblioteca Carmen de Burgos del IES ALHADRA  de Almería, España

School libraries

On the one hand, our students record testimonials in audio or video, life stories of known and anonymous people around them. The Human Library is a place that allows us to give a voice to people who act as human books, and which lets us know the story behind them, sometimes something necessary, for doing commendable but unknown work, or because it is a victim of prejudice. or discrimination based on gender, race,... Their valuable testimonials will be uploaded to a website, subtitled in the different languages ​​of the participating schools. On the other hand, besides human books, we also want to share common reading experiences that deal with cultural differences, social and geographical obstacles, discrimination, health, disability or handicap in educational systems. .: book clubs, book trailers, podcasts, Spotify lists, fanfictions,... The final result will be a website with these productions.
Created on
2 members


Spain(1), France(1)
Age range:
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