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European School Education Platform

(LPBE) - Let’s Put on our Belief Eyeglasses -

The world is a field of examination and a place of striving. The truth is that there are naturally bad things in life such as human deaths like all beings deaths in the universe, natural disasters, ilnesses and other calamities. However the world is realm of wisdom, indeed. Nothing is meaningless. If our beliefs are based on qur’an perspectives, our glasses or our belief window will allow us to see hidden reasons and find the lights behind the darkness. A person who sees the good aspects of things whether they look bad has good thoughts and he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life. “What you see is what you get or what you see is what you are.” is a famous saying. What gives life to people is hope, what harms and ruin them is despair. In this project, students will read this kind of books which tell the reason behind all confusing life questions. Students’ point of view, opinions, feelings are affected when they search and find the secrets in these books which are an explanation of Qur’an.. Looking at the things through the spectacles of belief make their minds, hearts and souls relief.
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5 members


Turkey(4), Greece(1)
Age range: