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European School Education Platform

Internet Marketing and Social Media Marketing as digital communication tools

Social Media & Marketing have taken on enormous proportions as people are actively involved and their membership is increasing, business marketing is evolving and we are bound to follow it. Social media users declare the Internet to be a true source of information before purchasing a product or service The needs of our School of Economics and Information Technology Department's learners emerged after researching the school where students from all disciplines participated. The result of the survey showed that 90% uses and is informed by Social Media about their markets. Training in this field provided by the other hand a simple theoretical basis without deepening. So a training plan consisting of theoretical training is designed and hands-on technical visits at the some time. , this is the most effective way for students and teachers to absorb the knowledge, skills and competences they will acquire during training. Our plan focuses on the proper management of Social Media & Marketing.
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4 members


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