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European School Education Platform

English on the Wall

The students will engage in activities using their competencies in English. The four skills of language learning (speaking, listening, reading and writing) are focused.The project will continue in accordance with the curriculum so that the teachers will be able to associate the lessons with the ongoing project. We will focus on one theme each month and display the products on the bulletin boards/ Language Corners in our classrooms or in school corridors at the end of the month. The schools should use as many web2 tools as possible while engaging in activities so that the students can enjoy during the project. Thanks to this project, the students will be more socialize and use English without any pressure. We’ll try to create a friendly atmosphere, which enables the learners to express themselves. Collaboration among partner schools is taken into consideration while planning project activities. Throughout the project, we will use collaborative activities with partner schools.Mix-group
Created on
17 members


Turkey(7), Poland(3), Romania(2), Denmark(1), Belgium(1), Albania(1), Sweden(1), Greece(1)
Age range: