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European School Education Platform

European Entrepreneurship Education - your skills for the future!

Our partnership agrees entirely with the quotations bellow published in the study run by the CE Final report of the Expert Group, September 2005: “Previous joint projects between the Commission and experts appointed by national governments highlighted activities where students run a mini-company at school as an effective methodology for spreading entrepreneurial mind-sets,as it is based on learning through direct experience of entrepreneurship." Entrepreneurship Education is also an important aspect in the 21 global goals of the United Nations. The Erasmus+ project „Entrepreneurship Education - your skills for the future!“ intends to focus on exchanging experiences and Wirkung together to promote entrepreneurship in education on upper secondary level (age 16. -19). The aim is to enhance and develop the students‘ entrepreneurial skills so that they can face the challenges of a future labour market in Europe in a more-effective was and also be more equipped to create new jobs.
Created on
7 members


Austria(2), Norway(2), Sweden(1), Italy(1), Denmark(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: