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U svijetu likovnih umjetnika 6 (In the world of fine artists 6)

Ovaj projekt ima za cilj upoznati učenike s različitim rukopisima likovnih umjetnika diljem svijeta. Nakon što se upoznaju s kratkim biografskim crticama umjetnika, učenici će svojim dječjim likovnim izražajem pokušati prikazati svoj osobni doživljaj nekih poznatih likovnih djela. Projekt potiče učenike da istraže najveće likovne umjetnike svijeta i svog zavičaja/regije, potičući ih na učenje i stvaranje likovnih djela. Također, razvijat će socijalne i građanske kompetencije, poticati poduzetništvo i inicijativnost, sve u skladu s kurikulumom Likovne kulture i međupredmetnim temama. Kroz ovaj projekt učenici će razvijati kreativnost i naučiti kritički razmišljati. Rezultate svog rada predstavit će se na malim prilagođenim izložbama, kako u ustanovi, tako iu lokalnoj zajednici, koristeći tradicionalne i suvremene tehnologije. The aimf of this project is to introduce students to the different painting manuscripts of fine artists around the world. After getting acquainted with the short biographical sketches of the artists, the students will try to show their personal experience of some famous works of art with their children's artistic expressions. The project encourages students to research the greatest visual artists of the world and their hometown/region, encouraging them to learn and create works of art. It will also develop social and civic competences, encourage entrepreneurship and initiative, all in accordance with the Fine Arts curriculum and cross-curricular topics. Through this project, students will develop creativity and learn to think critically. The results of their work will be presented at small customized exhibitions, both in the institution and in the local community, using traditional and modern technologies.
Created on
175 members
National Quality Label


Croatia(163), Serbia(6), Bosnia and Herzegovina(5), Montenegro(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Vocational subjects of teaching: