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European School Education Platform


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Projects (3646)

The project consists of a set of activities that aim to integrate sustainability and cultural activities, covering the various heritage sources and natural resources.

The IDEAS project focuses on the following objectives and outcomes: Concrete objectives: To acquire knowledge and learn methods that will enable teachers to better include all types of students in a...

Proiectul este de tip transdisciplinar şi îşi propune să atragă atenția asupra importanței utilizării responsabile și sustenabile a apei. Abordarea activităților se va realiza prin metode de cooperare...

Projekt zahŕňa spoločné spievanie integračných piesní v angličtine. Deti z členských krajín budú spievať pieseň "HELLO SONG".

Cieľom nášho projektu je zamerať sa na starostlivosť o rastliny, zdravý životný štýl a do spolupráce zapojiť široké okolie .

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Proiectul își propune să celebreze Ziua Copilului

Teachers have a big challenge to fight students’ off-task in the classroom. Despite the teachers’ multifunctional skills and knowledge, sometimes there is a lack of abilities to motivate students...