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European School Education Platform


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Projects (19)

"What's Out There?" project is combining the topics of: *Environmental consciousness *Effective learning/teaching practices *Healthy living and attitudes with the aim to contribute to the development...

Project is a journey that brings together people from different cultures and languages. 'EIE!' aims to create an inclusive Europe where every voice is heard and actively involved, regardless of...

See projekt on 4 kooli koostöö, sh osalevad 2 kooli Eestist ja 2 kooli välismaalt. Igast koolist osaleb 10-liikmeline õpilaste grupp, kes õpib tundma ja tutvustama enda kooli, saab suhtlemise kogemuse...

S(up)portive Inclusion Project promotes physical games for SEN students (aged 15–18) to enhance cognitive solidity and self-growth. It aligns with EU Disability Strategy goals and aims to promote...

Project idea is to do preventive measures to reduce tension for learners - dynamism in the learning process and during out-of-class time (lesson breaks leisure time), by organizing this time outside...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This project has been developed for different cultures to get to know each other. Countries will introduce their features. These features; language, culture, holidays, food, music and dance ... Each...

Projekti seos õppekavaga (milliseid õppeained projekti käigus lõimitakse, kuidas projektitöö on seotud õppekavaga): bioloogia (mullad, taimed), keemia (väetised jms); füüsika (materjalide kandvus...

An edible plant from a pupil's original culture symbolize variety as enrichment in a „garden of variety in Europe“, rooted in a soil of European values. Such a meeting point for communication should...